Talking coffee!

  • The perfect coffee storm
    Per 1st March we increased the prices of our coffees from Ecuador, as you may have noticed. We received the new harvest in late January this year and as always we had to first run some test roasts before we could offer the coffees to you in March. And I can tell you: we are… Read more: The perfect coffee storm
  • Using the right cup – it matters
    When talking about coffee and drinking the best possible coffee discussion often end up on the coffee itself: how is the acidity, the bitterness or the sweetness? Is it a fruity coffee or a chocolatey coffee… And then of course there is the issue of the brewing method: espresso, drip coffee or something else…. Which… Read more: Using the right cup – it matters
  • The Emperor of Galapagos
    Coffee arrived at the Galapagos Islands in 1866 thanks to the “Emperor of Galapagos”, Manuel J. Cobos; who happens to be my great great grandfather, that is the grandfather of my grandmother Renee Alvarado Cobos. Manuel J. Cobos was an entrepreneur who, together with his business partner Jose Monroy, in 1866 started extracting Orchella weed… Read more: The Emperor of Galapagos
  • Just an easy Tiramisu
    As a coffee lover of course I also love a good, creamy tiramisu. For years I only enjoyed them when going out but since for the last months we have not been able to dine out here in the Netherlands I had to find an easy recipe to prepare this delicious dessert at home. Here… Read more: Just an easy Tiramisu
  • Hybrid Processes
    Hybrid processes are basically a combination of natural and wet processing though the exact methodology varies per region. This combination will bring together the economic benefits of the natural process with the speed of the wet process. For the coffee cup the hybrid process results in a better body than for washed coffees but cleaner… Read more: Hybrid Processes